
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

oh, hey stranger...

Wow! Where have I been? Well, let's break it down a little bit. When I started the blog I had truly great intentions. I was going to try to beautify our apartment, my nails... and my life. 

I really started off right; posting twice a week was my goal, and I kept that going for a LONG time [well for me at least]. Slowly it got harder for many reasons, and none of them good ones. I don't know about all of you, but the more difficult one part of your life gets the harder it is to keep up even with the things that you love. That was were I was at. I kept doing all of the things that I had been blogging about, but just couldn't get to the place where I wanted to share then with the world. Now that I feel like I am in a better place [although I have not really gone anywhere] I felt the urge to pick up the computer and POST! Even if this post is kinda rambley. 

So let me update you all on life since we last spoke:

1. I am more inspired at work. Work is that place in my life that if all is going well everything else in my life falls into place... if there is a bit of a rough patch then my focus is pulled from other areas. *cough*blogging*cough*

2. Mike and I finally went on our honeymoon! In September of last year Mike and I went on a little honeymoon to San Diego. It was a much needed break from everyday life, and the first time that we had EVER gone on vacation together. It was a blast! I have always loved SoCal, and in another [less pale] life I must have been a beach bum. We had some great food, went to the zoo and safari park, the beach, and Coronado Island [a.k.a. where we are moving when I win the lottery].

3. We tried to move! Yeah, you heard me right. We started looking around for a house to rent. I have been sick of apartment life for quite a while now. But, as it does, life has a funny way of sneaking in there and changing things up. We decided that a move was in the cards when I was just about the pay my car off, but here is where life stepped in... Mike's truck saw it's last trip. Good news is Mike got a new car, and I didn't have to pack anything! So we will be in the same place for a little while longer, but I have learned a lot about the search for a new place and what both Mike and I want in a home. I am also going to take this time that we are still in the apartment to de-clutter my life from all the STUFF that has been accumulated over the years, and is no longer needed.

4. Mike and I also celebrated our first anniversary. It was pretty low key with Mike coming off a 14 hour over night shift, but we had an awesome brunch and I made Mike his favorite meal [meatloaf and peas]. 

Now you are caught up on all of the happenings while I was MIA. Of course there were many other things that happened in the last nine months, but I won't bore you with all the details.

It does feel good to be back. I plan on posting once a week for now and see where it takes my. I love having a creative outlet, and so happy that I am sharing it with the blogging world once again.

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