
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

save the dates

So, I actually sent out our save the dates in the beginning of December. With the holidays and work taking up a big chunk of my time, I wasn't able to post them until now. I showed you all my inspiration of save the dates on pinterest here.{Although until this very moment, I thought that I had blogged about them, I guess that I was busier with work and life than I originally thought.}

As you all know, Mike and I are trying to make this wedding happen on a budget. So we decided that I would put together the wedding stationary myself. I had a few things working in my favor; I do have a little bit of a creative bug, Photoshop knowledge, and a mother who is a graphic designer. Although not everyone may have these things, there are always low cost options and templates you can use to created something that you love within your budget.

I picked up the supplies that I needed at Hobby Lobby; card stock, and envelopes, and of course I used my 40% coupon like always. Other than that all that I needed was a computer, plenty of printer ink, Photoshop, a straight edge and an X-acto knife.

 I also did a little research before I created our save the dates. You can look into how much it cost in postage to mail your save the dates, square cost more. Also check to see what size your envelopes can accommodate. The envelopes that I picked up were 5" x 7", which means that I could make this invites 5" x 7" and still have them fit because the envelopes actual measurements are 5.25" x 7.25".

Now I need to get started on the invites and response cards. Well, that and everything else.

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