
Thursday, January 24, 2013

polish please | little brown dress

Something super-duper excited happened today... my Zoya polishes came in the mail today! Woo-hoo!

Here are the polished that I chose when I ordered my three free polishes from Zoya to start off this year on the right foot. The colors are Lyric, Logan, and Faye. More to come with these later.

The polish that I have been rockin' for the past few days is  Essie Little Brown Dress. I paired it with a gold glitter alternating the glitter on the tips and cuticles, and completely coated my middle finger. This was very easy to create, and the brown polish actually covered in ONE COAT! Unheard of, I know, that is what made this one of my favorite manis to date. 

 Here is the instagram photo, please forgive the worn tips, this was taken today after the men's floorset. Long day, but so excited to end it with new polishes!

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