
Monday, August 6, 2012

pinspiration | projects

Like almost all girls now-a-days I spend a lot, I mean A LOT of time searching through I pin anything that I am interested in. My boards seem to be growing in size and amount. I have food boards (which I always have good intentions of trying it all, but have only made a couple of things), DIY boards, fashion, beauty, dream home, you know the drill.

Well I thought that I would share some projects that I was "pinspired" by that I plan on completing, hopefully in the near future.

store bracelets 

This is just a little taste of what I am likely to work on shortly. I am planing a trip to Ikea today! I was going to go yesterday with my best friend, but we had a little too much fun at ladies night, and I thought that hanging out on the couch was a better way to spend my time. 

Wish me luck!

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